Efficiency and elevated, how to create the ultimate laundry room oasis. In the rhythm of modern life, few spaces in our homes hold as much potential for optimization as the laundry room. Often forgotten, its significance is overshadowed by the kitchen, bathrooms or the tranquility of our bedrooms. With thoughtful design and strategic organization, the laundry room can transform into a space of efficiency and order.
Imagine a space where mundane chores are streamlined, every item has its designated place, and functionality meets aesthetic appeal. Welcome to the optimized laundry room – where design meets practicality, and where the chore of laundry becomes a delight rather than a burden. Let’s explore how to turn this often ignored space into a haven of efficiency and style
Design - Storage - Organization
Style and Function
What do you prefer, style or function? That is a trick question because you can have both. Function saves time and energy but if you don’t have style too the function is boring. My all-time favorite when I can have style with function. Pretty makes my heart sing. But if it doesn’t function it becomes frustrating. Nothing is more frustrating than a space that has no depth because its all looks and not functioning on a high level. It doesn’t take a lot to make your laundry room function, with a little thought you can create beautiful spaces.
We all have different families, lives and needs. Our spaces are different too. There is a lot to consider when we design and create a space that functions in our home. If you have the space you can have a pretty and useful laundry room sink. A very handy item especially if you have kids or pets. Storage shelves or under cupboard cabinets are valuable spaces for necessary but unsightly items.
Shelving is perfect for laundry supplies. There are so many beautiful and functional storage containers.
Creating a Space that Works for Your Family
Families are different with unique challenges and struggles. Creating a laundry room that works for your family is all about putting systems into place.
Systems that are as unique as you are. How are you going to do laundry? Is it your children’s job to do their laundry? Do you have a full laundry day or whites on one day and colored loads on another.
The options are endless. Whether the laundry room is small, washing, drying and putting everything away on the same day is what I like. Creating a laundry schedule keeps the laundry task from being so dreaded. Systems are the way to make it work, which evolve and change with our family. In our home the sheets are washed on Monday, towels on Monday and Thursday and clothing on Saturday or Sunday.
Creating Systems that Work
Do you hate the word systems? Does it feel like an overwhelming, impossible task? Systems are meant to make life easier. If you’ve got kids at home you get to figure out what works for you and your families needs. As our lives change and evolve so do our the needs and the systems we put into place.
My biggest suggestion is to find something that works for you, something you can maintain and makes your home run smoother. Laundry mountain isn’t fun for anyone. Whether the clothes are dirty or washed and dried just needing put away. It is so much easier to keep up than to dig yourself out of laundry mountain.
Doing something today that the future you will thank you for. There are times when we get behind but creating a system that helps you stay onto of the task is what you are looking for. If you have a large space consider adding shelves with children’s baskets. A space you can put their washed, dried and folder clothes. They can either keep their clothes in the laundry room or they take the basket to their room and put the clothes away.
Laundry Schedule
Creating a laundry schedule helps you keep on top of the dreaded task. There are a lot of options. When it comes to sheets and towels set days each week. You could also wash the sheets with that child’s clothing. Doing it room by room or child by child. You can also do all the whites one day and colored the next.
The system that worked best for me when I had 4 growing boys at home. They knew what days their clothes were being washed. Before heading to school they brought up their laundry basket. Then when they got home form school they’d take the clean washed, dried and folded clothes to their room to put away.
Your schedule will dictate how it works best. If your kids are old enough to do their own laundry create days for them to do their laundry. Its annoying when you want to do laundry and the machines are being used. When everyone has set days it avoids a lot of headache.
Pretty Design
No matter the size of your space you can create something pretty and functional. My laundry room is small but it has great storage for cleaning supplies, laundry soaps, vacuum accessories and more.
Our home came with pretty cabinets that look as good on the inside as they do on the out. To uplevel our space we added a decorative shelf. Not only does it look amazing it adds additional storage and a space for unique and fun decor.
Having a beautiful space makes a not that fun task more enjoyable. Walking into a gorgeous space takes some of the drudgery out of the job.
Practical and Fun Storage Solutions
The options are endless for storage solutions. Here are a few of my favorites. You can never go wrong with clear bins. There are a lot of cute and functional storage solutions. The dryer sheet container takes an ugly box into something adorable. Your soaps and pods can be displayed in beautiful containers. Having beautiful and functional pieces for your laundry space make doing the task more enjoyable. The liquid soap dispenser is much cuter than the ugly plastic containers.
The options are endless. Do what works best for you and your home. We are all unique and have different needs. Find ways to make yours more functional.