How to Refinish a Nightstand Plus Pretty Decor

How to refinish a nightstand plus pretty decor. I have got the accent wall done, a rustic and pretty shelf built and window treatments installed. You can check them out HERE, HERE and HERE. I’m now ready to get the furnishing complete.

I had an old and too small for the space nightstand stuck in the room. It was there because I had no where else to put it. And because we’ve had it for years so it held some sentimental attachment. But it was too small and wasn’t working in there or wouldn’t work anywhere else in our home.

So I got looking for something really pretty. I was in the mood to refinish a piece of furniture so I got looking at Goodwill. The first two I went to didn’t have anything I liked so I kept looking.

I finally found the perfect piece at Deseret Industries. It was wood, sturdy and the structure was perfect.

The Original Piece

The nightstand was in such good shape but dated because of the stain. The knobs weren’t the worst but I knew I could elevate the look of the piece with new hardware.

The nightstand ready for a makeover

There are only two drawers so it wasn’t going to be expensive, I just needed to find something I really loved.

Sanding, Sanding and More Sanding

My plan for the nightstand is pretty stain on the top and paint the rest. Because I wanted to stain the top I needed to do a fair bit of sanding. Luckily I love sanding. If you are wanting to stain a piece of furniture you will need to sand until you get to beautiful fresh wood. It is so satisfying to see the beautiful wood appear.

Ready to start sanding

I may be crazy but I honestly love sanding. I like to get on safety glasses so I don’t get sawdust in my eyes and see beautiful wood appear. Something about seeing the old stain or paint disappear and fresh new wood makes me so excited. I do like old wood that is left weathered and worn at times but for this piece I got to sand and sand and sand.

After the top was 100% stain free I sanded the rest of the nightstand. Because I was painting it I didn’t need to sand it completely. Just scruff up the surface enough that the paint will stick. Such a satisfying process.

After its all done I wipe it off with a scotts shop towel. Then take a wire brush to get in the wood grain better and wipe off again with a scotts shop towel.

The top looks so pretty

How to Refinish a Nightstand, start with Conditioning

I was so excited to get going on this nightstand. It was such a pretty piece I knew it was going to look amazing.

I began by staining the top. It is a three step process but doesn’t take too much time. Because the piece is fairly small it can be done quickly. I like to use Varathane products from Home Depot.

Products used to refinish the top of the nightstand

Step one is the wood conditioner. This does exactly what it says, conditions the wood for the stain. I just followed the directions on the label. I used a foam paint brush, painted on the wood conditioner, let it set for a few minutes then wiped it off completely.

Whitewash the Top

After the conditioner set for the appropriate time or when I was ready to get back to it I did step two of the staining process. I used the Varathane whitewash. This will help mute the finished look a little and give a softer look to the appearance.

It goes on like stain. I used a separate foam brush to paint on the stain. Let it sit for a few minutes then wipe it off. Because the surface of what I was staining is quite small I was able to do the whole space before I started wiping it off. I love using the Scott blue shop towels to wipe off. They don’t lint and hold up really well.

Final Step to Staining the Top

After the whitewash set for the appropriate amount of time I was able to add the final stain. I again used Varathane, Special Walnut color. Using special walnut with the whitewash gives such a beautiful finish that looks rich and elegant.

I painted on the stain, let it sit for a couple minutes then wiped it off. It gives such a beautiful finish. There is the odd spot that stains darker or lighter but I like the character it adds to the project.

Painting the Nightstand

Now that it is stained I am ready to get painting. I do love to paint, walls, furniture or anything else. I go in painting kicks where I’m painting all the time. It’s been awhile so I was ready to get painting.

Painting the nightstand. Easier with the drawers out

This is going to sound crazy but I couldn’t get the drawers out of the nightstand. I pulled and they wouldn’t come out, I felt for any kind of a release. I decided they must not come out which is crazy. So I started painting with the drawers in place. Finally Monte did some googling and said I just needed to pull them harder then you would think. Wouldn’t you know they pulled right out.

I had painted one coat and it was a pain so I was excited to get them out of the way.

I used the same white paint that is throughout my home, Dover White. This helps with consistency but also what I had on hand.

Because my garage is warming up I didn’t need to wait as long between coats of paint. I never wait how long the can says. When its dry that’s my cue to get going.

I gave it three coats of paint

How to Refinish a Nightstand Plus Pretty Decor

After it was I dry I was ready to add the hardware and pretty decor. I purchased a few knob options but I was pretty sure I was going to use the glass ones. They were so elegant and pretty and fit the look of the nightstand perfectly. I found these beautiful round glass knobs at Home Depot.

It looks like a whole new piece of furniture

I wanted to add the final pieces of decor. The room was in need of a lamp and another something cute on the nightstand. I was so happy to find a beautiful lamp at Kirklands. It is the perfect size and look for this space.

Beautiful nightstand and lamp

The shelf decor was mostly from Kendrick Signs. The white frame I had so I was excited to use it and make the decor look amazing. You can see how we built the shelf HERE.

Love the shelf and decor

Final Thoughts on How to Refinish a Nightstand Plus Pretty Decor

I am so happy with this space. Everything about it makes me smile. They were all small changes but looks so good pulled together. From the accent wall to the shelf to the window treatment to the nightstand. They all play a part in bring this space together.

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Picture of Sherylee


I am passionate about cultivating home. Whether you like DIY, design, decor or organization I want to help you cultivate the best home for you. One space and step at a time. Small simple to maintain changes with big results.

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