All You Need to Know About Beadboard Ceiling Installation

All you need to know about beadboard ceiling installation.  The half bath located just off our family room is frequently used by family and guests.  I was wanting to make the space a little more exciting and welcoming.  Because it is a smaller bathroom I decided to add beadboard to the ceiling as well as crown moulding.  Similar to what we’ve done in other areas of our home.  You can check them out here and here.

Where and What to Purchase

Because the space was small the amount we were going to need wasn’t a lot.  Beadboard comes in a few sizes and the size of the pattern can vary.  I wanted to use skinnier beadboard and as few seams as possible.  You can find it at the different builder supply stores in 4 x 8 sheets.  This is the beadboard we purchased from Home Depot.  It was going to take just more then one sheet so we grabbed a couple sheets knowing I’d find a place or project to use the left over.

How to make it look finished

Because I didn’t want unsightly raw edges around the top of the ceiling I decided to add the modern baseboard inspired crown moulding.  This would finish the look and make the project look custom and professional.

We also grabbed the supplies for the crown moulding at Home Depot.  Because our baseboards are large and flat I continued with the look for the crown on the ceiling.  Depending on the size of the room and how much space you have pick your baseboard width.  Our ceilings are very high so I used wider baseboard around the wall and a little narrower around the ceiling.  It didn’t take a lot of product because the space is so small.

Cutting and Installing the Beadboard

Because it comes in sheets it goes up in one large piece.  We measured the ceiling and cut to the length needed.  We didn’t have to cut any off the width because the room was a little wider then a piece of beadboard.  There is no need to be exact which is nice.  Since we were covering a the edges with baseboard it is ok if things don’t fit perfectly.  You will probably find the walls aren’t square so it’s good that it didn’t need to be exact.

The Hardest Part

The hardest part of the installation was bringing in the piece of beadboard.  If you’re in an open area it wouldn’t be an issue but since we were in a small room with two ladders and people it was a little tricky getting it over our heads and around the ladders.

Before installing the beadboard we found and marked the trusses so we had something secure to nail too.  You will always be able to find trusses in the ceiling.  They are evenly spaced once you figure out what direction they are running.  If you’re space is like ours we had a couple things to work around.  The bathroom and air conditioner vent.  We just removed the covers and cut the beadboard around the vents.  Because they have covers there is a little bit of room for error.  For our space they also lined up where we needed to add the second piece.  Meaning we didn’t have to get the jig saw out because we were only cutting on three sides.  

After the board is in place we nailed it with the air nailer.  So quick and easy.

The room was just a fraction wider then the beadboard sheet so we had to cut a strip and install it.  Beadboard is so easy to install.  As long as you follow the pattern and cutting where a groove is it goes together seamless once you’re done.  

For this small piece we used liquid nails just to make sure it would hold in place because we were not running into trusses with the direction we were going.

Crown moulding installation

Installing the crown didn’t take much time or product in this small space.  We were able to do it without any seams which is so nice.  That makes it a lot quicker and easier.

When we purchased the modern baseboard inspired crown moulding I gave it a quick coat of paint in the garage.  Making sure it get it really well along the edges.  I will give everything a final coat of paint after installation but don’t paint along the wall edge because I’ve already done that.

We start by working our way around the wall.  Doing all four sides.  We don’t cut the corners at 45 degree angles because it doesn’t make it look any better and it’s a lot easier to butt the edges together.

After the wall pieces are installed we install the narrower pieces on the ceiling.  This time in the corners they are cut to 45 degree angels.  Not only does it look a lot better but gives you that custom high end look you’re always after.

Caulking and Painting

The final steps of making it look amazing is caulking the edges, seams and nail holes.  This is what will take your project from done to amazing.  If you’re wanting to make your wood projects look professional this is the key step.  The seams disappear and your project looks custom.

After letting the caulking dry for just a few minutes I give everything a final coat of paint.  I don’t paint along the edge on the wall but everywhere else gets the final coat of paint.  I use a good quality brush in the edges then a roller over the rest of it.  

A Quick and Inexpensive Way to Elevate a Space

Adding beadboard and crown moulding to the ceiling is a simple and easy way to elevate a small space.  It doesn’t cost a lot because the space is so small but it looks so pretty once it is done.  It takes a plain uninspiring bathroom to something unique and pretty. 



Decor to the Door

Home DIY projects are a great way to update a space.  For something a little less expensive and time consuming add beautiful decor to the space.  Decor to the Door has so many unique and fun pieces perfect for any space.  You can add seasonal decor to a shelf in your guest bathroom, on your entry table or island center piece.  Check out the cute products available.  

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Picture of Sherylee


I am passionate about cultivating home. Whether you like DIY, design, decor or organization I want to help you cultivate the best home for you. One space and step at a time. Small simple to maintain changes with big results.

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